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PL B&S : Lille Invivo Imaging and Functional Exploration - LIIFE

Increased life expectancy means that the prevalence of cognitive disorders leading to dementia will double over the next 25 years. This will mainly be due to an increased prevalence of both neurological diseases (Alzheimer’ disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’ disease (PD), epilepsy, etc.) and mental disorders (psychosis, mood disorders, addiction, etc.). In addition to the neuronal origin of cognitive disorders and dementia, it is now acknowledged that a number of vascular and metabolic risk factors influence the onset or course of cognitive disorders. The neuroscience research units in the city of Lille have come together to form a networked institute focused on translational and multidisciplinary approaches for identifying the main pathophysiological mechanisms involved in cognitive disorders (brain lesions, protein aggregates, impaired functional connectivity, etc.) and developing new symptomatic and disease-modifying treatment strategies. To achieve these objectives, it has been necessary to develop a translational facility that encompasses automated neuropsychological evaluations, structural and functional brain imaging, and neurophysiological approaches (such as high-resolution EEG). The facility has been funded by local and national institutions, and has been further boosted by its participation in (and coordination of) a Europe-wide consortium under the EU/EFPIA-sponsored Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).
The preclinical imaging core facility

The preclinical imaging core facility led by Prof. Damien Huglo, is located on the campus of the University Hospital of Lille. In this recent years, technical evolution of in-vivo animal imaging has revived the prospects for health research. Our technical platform has two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment: one 0.2 tesla (Hitachi, Airis Mate) dedicated to big animals (sheep and pigs) and a 7 teslas (Bruker, Biospec) dedicated to rodents (rats and mice).
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The clinical imaging core facility

The Clinical Imaging Core faCility (ci2c), headed by Pr. Jean Pierre Pruvo and located at Lille University Hospital in France, focuses on developing and optimizing methods and software for quantitative analysis of brain medical images with particular focus on the study of neurodegenerative and epilepsy diseases. We work with many types of data, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), structural imaging, electroencephalography (EEG), and nuclear imaging (PET).
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Behavioural Exploration

The Functional Exploration Platform (FEP) is an important area of 150m2 dedicated to the analysis of the behavior of rodents. The behavioral assessment tests available allow characterization of neuropathology rodent models in terms of cognitive abilities, major and fine motor skills, as well as anxiety traits or depression.
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- AUEC Comportement adapté aux modèles physiopathologiques


WORKSHOP le 11 mars 2024 à 14h

La plateforme LIIFE (UAR2014-US41) organise un workshop avec la société TSE systems pour la présentation de plusieurs systèmes d'étude comportementale, sur le campus hospitalo-universitaire:

- Intellicage: Cage collective de phénotypage comportemental et cognitif
- Multiconditioning system: 10 paradigmes de conditionnement en un
- NeuroLux: Intégration de l'optogénétique sans fil aux plates-formes de phénotypage in vivo

Vous êtes intéressés ? Pour une meilleure organisation, merci de vous inscrire au séminaire via ce lien de participation

NB: la participation à ce séminaire peut être comptabilisée pour votre formation continue en expérimentation animale

Plus d'informations sur le flyer

SEMINAIRE le 20 février 2024

EthoVision, PhenoTyper et autres outils pour étudier le comportement animal
Dr. Charlotte Laloux
Dr. Jacques Prieur

Plus d'informations sur le flyer


Présentation du LiiFE dans le cadre de NeurotechEU

Voir la présentation


Formation : Attestation Universitaire d'Etudes Complémentaires
Comportement adapté aux modèles physiopathologiques

- Présentation de l'AUEC 2023-2024


Les unités de recherche de l’Université et du CHU de Lille