The Clinical Imaging Core faCility (ci2c), headed by Pr. Jean Pierre Pruvo and located at Lille University Hospital in France, focuses on developing and optimizing methods and software for quantitative analysis of brain medical images with particular focus on the study of neurodegenerative and epilepsy diseases. We work with many types of data, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), structural imaging, electroencephalography (EEG), and nuclear imaging (PET). Our group, formed in 2009, includes neuroradiologists and scientists from Engineering, Mathematics and Physics. For each research study, a strong collaboration exists between clinicians and scientists. The laboratory is part of the INSERM U1171 team, directed by Pr. Regis Bordet. This team gathers people of many neuroscience fields and offers a lot of clinical data availability (such as, clinical, imaging and genetic data)
Current Research Interests
WORKSHOP le 11 mars 2024 à 14h
- Intellicage: Cage collective de phénotypage comportemental et cognitif
- Multiconditioning system: 10 paradigmes de conditionnement en un
- NeuroLux: Intégration de l'optogénétique sans fil aux plates-formes de phénotypage in vivo
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SEMINAIRE le 20 février 2024
EthoVision, PhenoTyper et autres outils pour étudier le comportement animal
Dr. Charlotte Laloux
Dr. Jacques Prieur
Plus d'informations sur le flyer
Formation : Attestation Universitaire d'Etudes Complémentaires
Comportement adapté aux modèles physiopathologiques
- Présentation de l'AUEC 2023-2024