The preclinical imaging core facility, led by Prof. Damien Huglo, is located on the campus of the University Hospital of Lille. In this recent years, technical evolution of in-vivo animal imaging has revived the prospects for health research. Our technical platform has two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment: one 0.2 tesla (Hitachi, Airis Mate) dedicated to big animals (sheep and pigs) and a 7 teslas (Bruker, Biospec) dedicated to rodents (rats and mice). MR technique provides relevant information to assess the effect of new therapeutic treatment, intoxication or molecule biodistribution. Our preclinical team consists of 2 engineers, one of whom is specialized in the definition and implementation of experimental protocols, and the other in data processing and the development of computer tools related to medical imaging. A qualified technician for pre-clinical experiments also brings his expertise during the acquisition sessions.
Expertise field
Current projects
WORKSHOP le 11 mars 2024 à 14h
- Intellicage: Cage collective de phénotypage comportemental et cognitif
- Multiconditioning system: 10 paradigmes de conditionnement en un
- NeuroLux: Intégration de l'optogénétique sans fil aux plates-formes de phénotypage in vivo
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SEMINAIRE le 20 février 2024
EthoVision, PhenoTyper et autres outils pour étudier le comportement animal
Dr. Charlotte Laloux
Dr. Jacques Prieur
Plus d'informations sur le flyer
Formation : Attestation Universitaire d'Etudes Complémentaires
Comportement adapté aux modèles physiopathologiques
- Présentation de l'AUEC 2023-2024